Lesson 5 Bring all elements of your Abundance Altar Together

Video duration: 06:17minutes
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How sweet is this video that my son took?

He was 11 years old at the time and helping me shoot this video.

You've got to remember that being on camera was still very scary to me! It was the start of 2016 and I was going through a hard time. My online business didn't grow, and I wasn't able to ask for money for my services. 

Withing months after creating my abundance altar, everything shifted. The 100K years, the cat - even two cats! -, the education for my son, the holiday to Paris, the car, the VA that even became an entire team.


I invite you to create your Abundance Altar with me and the Sisterhood because you too deserve everything you desire!


Even if you're not ready to create your altar by yourself, spend 5 minutes writing (by hand).

Mother and son (nowadays he's slightly taller than me)

Do this:

  • 1. Connect to your Archetype: you can even imagine it's a friend who has your back. 
  • 2. Focus on what comes easy to you: your archetype has certain traits and desires that come naturally easy to you.
  • 3. Now write: dear (name of your Archetype) give me proof that this will work for me. I very much want to (name 3 things you want to manifest) show me that this will work for me. 
  • 4. Ask for apparent and clear proof: Write something you want to see within hours of days: a yellow car, pink flowers, the word 'creativity', etc. 
  • 5. Thank your archetype and keep your eyes, heart, and mind wide open for proof.
  • 6. Got your answer? Jump to The Real You Sisterhood and we're going to do this together.


This is the day!
You can manifest whatever you desire
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