Hi Zonnetje,
Every month, I open the Archetypal Road to Abundance for you. While you connect to your archetypal web and create and paly with your muse, I will remove old stuff that is getting in your way.
I upload fresh energy that serves you to grow and become the Powerful Creator.
We focus our heart, mind, soul and body on one specific archetype and immerse ourselves in the unique powers of the archetype.
You will fully embrace the magic of every archetype. We dedicate a full month to one specific archetype. This will deepen your connection with your archetypal web, your natural powers, and confidence.
Whatever you need the most will become easy and fun for you. Like increasing your visibility, open the doors to synchronicity and abundance.
- 12 months for 12 archetypes.
This is how we deepen and anchor the universal archetypal powers. Every month, we open our mind, soul, and heart to one archetype. - Each archetype represents parts of us that deserve to be seen and felt. We empower what wants to be empowered, lovingly work through obstacles, observe what happens and make space for synchronicities and abundance.
Dates for the Archetypal Art Workshops and the Archetype of the Months are in your personal hub

The Archetypal workshops will open your awareness and re-connect you with 'unique insights, memories, long forgotten dreams'.
It is the start of a month that is all about tapping into powers, gifts, and desires that will lead you to the next phase in your precious liminal journey.
You can expect
- Specific insights and big Aha - Why haven't I seen this before? - moments
- Information that turns out to be crucial.
- Unexpected talents and powers will open up and lead you to fulfilling dreams and desires.
- Epic dreams with guidance or advice that are being whispered into your ears and heart.
- Clues that will lead you to your goals.
- Increased self-confidence and self-love.
- Many synchronicities (use the synchronicity tracker!).
- A profound sense of power.

- We start the month with an intuitive archetypal art workshop.
- No, you don't need any art and creativity experience for that.
- I have created art with children and grown-ups who doubted their creativity,
But we all are creative. In fact, we're all uniquely creative, and you're about to find out your own unique creativity during the workshop. - Prior to the Workshop, you get instructions about the (inexpensive) material you need, or any intention that will help you focus on attracting what you desire.
The workshops will take 3 hours, this includes:
- specific knowledge about the archetype for you, your clients, branding and marketing
- a guided meditation to connect you to the archetype
- instructions on the practice
- creation time
- sharing insights and setting your direction for the month,

Sharing with the Sisterhood is crucial. Your insight can be the Big Wake-Up Call for someone else. It's also very important to keep yourself accountable.
- Share when something happens - or feels - and you 'don't get it'.
- Share results
- Share doubts
- Share everything that deserves celebrations
Hi , here's a tip
Experience the workshops in the most immersive way as possible. When possible gift yourself the full day to work on your art and yourself. Try to avoid jumping in at the last moment and running away before the end.
Treat is as a sacred start of your month.
When you work (and play) with the archetypes, everything matters. Joy, feelings, ideas, thoughts, a sense of uneasiness, and dreams are all tiny messages from the universe. Listening and feeling are often more important than doing thing 'the correct way'.