Your extra Material for The Real You
You find out
- How to survey the program and know what you find where, without feeling overwhelmed.
Video duration: 09:04 minutes
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1. A journal, sketchbook, or mixed media book A4 and up. You need slightly thicker and rough paper if you want to use watercolor and markers.
2. A cheap (er) journal (thinner paper) to write and draw (especially if you write a lot)
3. Something to divide the different sections (post-its, anything you can glue) to work with the different archetypes.
4. graphite pencils HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B
5. color pencils (whatever kind you like and make you happy)
6. markers (alcohol or water) and black sharpies
7. Aquarel paint and (water) brush
8. old magazine, old brochures from musea, galleries etc
9. glue
10. scissors
11. washi tape
12. Everything that 'calls' to you: leaves, rocks, twigs, pictures, old cards,

* Old books to color, tear and play with
* Keep your flowers, the petals are great for your altar
* Little jars for sand, dirt, potions
* Shells, bones, feathers.
* Boxes (shoe boxes, for instance), space on a shelf, so that you can leave your altar
* Heirlooms, small items that are important to you.
* Pictures, old photos, things you desire
More about this in the altar section