#1. Program Guide
The Real You Sisterhood
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The Real You Sisterhood
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Step 1. How it works in The Archetypal Real You Sisterhood
Step 2. Welcome Sacred Desire! Make Desire Your Life Force, Goals and Synchronicities
Step 3. How to Manifest Goals, Synchronicities, Emotions, Results
* Branding queen, art person, strategist, miracle extraordinaire, shifter of energy, sort of witch, founder of the Wonderfully Weird World.
* Very late diagnosed ADHD and autistic (the AuDHD jackpot).
* Bestselling author, art historian, certified transformational coach and whisperer of souls.
* Hangs out in gardens, musea, the wrong side of the city and creativity inspiring places (yes, that can be her own bed).
* Abe's mother, Rik's wife, cat servant
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