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With Esther's help, I changed my business name and brand. envisioned what I really desire and believe I can do it.
Esther 'gets' you right away. I have seen it happen so many times. She is quick at analyzing, even if you try to hide it. But she never judges and pinpoints what is going on inside yourself. Even when you don't understand what's going on yourself..

Ester Schiphorst  // Soft and Soap and Crochet Miracleer

I have taken a lot of courses. But I could never reach the finish line. I just submitted my course it's the most accomplished and the furtest I have walked on this path aof becoming an online entrepreneur. I'm so grateful.
Thank you Esther. WE DID IT!!! Together!!! I'm SO HAPPY to be here with all my sisters.

Shirley Ann Aphrodite // Artist & Founder Aphrodite's Finishing School

In 1 year I have moved more than in the 15 years before. I was very modest with my pricing, but Esther told me to double or triple my prices.

I thought: "That is crazy. No one will buy at those prices."  But my international sales kept coming. This has given me so much self confidence.

Maria Jürimäe //owner Singing Scarves

For years I worked 15 hours days but nothing happened. One day I got inspired to work with Esther. And from that moment, it was like magic. But Esther saw my gold and I went from having my YouTube channel that hardly no one watched to 100K subsrcibers which are now over 360K  So, if you're doubting whether you should work with her or not, and you are  serious about what you can give to the world into a profitable business. I tell you, do it, do it. 

Martha Rincón // Simplemente Diosas
