Coaching Call December 16, 2024 Chat

01:48:14Esther de Charon de Saint Germain:NotebookLMAI
01:48:40Dr Heike Franz:

Coaching Call December 16, 2024 Chat

00:28:02Marianne:I got the grashopper spirit card this morning: take a leap of faith.
00:28:10Dagmar:Reacted to "I got the grashopper..." with 🥰
00:41:43Dagmar:it dismantles the harmful mindset "im so alone"
00:42:35Dagmar:it totally exudes abundances
00:44:29Dagmar:i was doing shamanic dreaming and i had so many animal guides - They are all part of my web now

Introduction call Chat

00:01:50Joannie van Rijswijk:I need to leave in 25 minutes…
00:02:02Ilja van DWARSER*:Esther you look so beautiful
00:02:55Joannie van Rijswijk:I was just going through the program and it looks amazing!!
00:10:40Joannie van Rijswijk:I love the visuals that go with it!!
00:10:56Dagmar:Reacted to "I love the visuals t..." with 🥰
00:15:17Joannie van Rijswijk:As said, looks amazing!
00:19:56Ilja van DWARSER*:OMFG! Almost fell of my chair. ADHD connected to my archetype? Can I cry?
00:20:28Joannie van Rijswijk:This again is a life’s work…
00:20:34Joannie van Rijswijk:Reacted to "OMFG! Almost fell of..." with ❤️
00:21:04Minke Brik:I also so love the art in between 🤩🤩 wow Esther wow
00:21:16Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:This is mindbogglingly amazing! :)
00:21:31Joannie van Rijswijk:Reacted to "This is mindboggling..." with 😂
00:21:32Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Reacted to "OMFG! Almost fell of..." with ❤️
00:21:42Joannie van Rijswijk:Replying to "This is mindboggling..."
And I agree!!
00:21:49Minke Brik:Reacted to This is mindboggling... with "😅"
00:21:58Minke Brik:Reacted to OMFG! Almost fell of... with "❤️"
00:22:12Dagmar:Reacted to "OMFG! Almost fell of..." with 🙃
00:22:16Dagmar:Reacted to "This again is a life..." with ❤️
00:22:19Dagmar:Reacted to "As said, looks amazi..." with 🥰
00:22:23Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Reacted to "I also so love the a..." with ❤️
00:22:49Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Reacted to "And I agree!!" with ❤️
00:25:06Joannie van Rijswijk:I need to go now but I can’t wait to start working with this. Sadly I can’t be there in the call next week but I will definitely watch the replay.
Thank you Esther for your genius in creating programs like this! 🙏🏻
00:25:26Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Reacted to "I need to go now but..." with ❤️
00:35:08Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Unbefreakinglievable!! Esther!!! ❤️❤️❤️
00:35:34Minke Brik:Yeah sooo cool 🥳
00:35:43kathya kaye:a BA in being fabulous
00:41:02Dagmar:my day to work with the program is Friday, so once a week I start and I keep going until it feels like its too much, so I go step by step. Or, after our zooms, of course!
00:44:24Marianne:What did you say Wednesdays are for @kathya kaye? Love these kinds of dedicated days!
00:48:51Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Sounds like you can put the archetypes to function like spirit helpers :))
00:49:48Marianne:Sounds like pure JOY!
00:50:09Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Will we still have our collaboration or focus sessions?
00:50:17Marianne:Yes. Thank you for creating this, love that I get to be a part of it.
00:51:56Marianne:I like to think we all have all of the archetypes within us.
00:52:14Dagmar:it feels like bodily organs, all are essential
00:53:46kathya kaye:even the day of the weeks are archetypes related
00:53:54Dagmar:Reacted to "even the day of the ..." with 👍🏻
00:54:09Dagmar:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
wow, can u list it please?
00:54:20Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Reacted to "even the day of the ..." with 👍🏻
00:54:41kathya kaye:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
i send them to you privately
00:54:48kathya kaye:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
00:54:51Dagmar:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
awesome, thank u
00:54:57Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
me too, please?
00:55:32Ellen:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
me 2 please Kathya
00:55:46kathya kaye:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
00:55:52Marianne:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
Haha would love them too!
00:56:42Ellen:Reacted to "ok" with 😍
00:56:53Brigitte Kveldritha Dörner:Reacted to "ok" with 😍
00:58:47Minke Brik:Replying to "even the day of the ..."
Me too 🙏
01:00:09Ilja van DWARSER*:I don’t want them Katya 😜
01:00:23Minke Brik:Reacted to I don’t want them Ka... with "😅"
01:04:13Minke Brik:Awesome ❤️❤️❤️

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